Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Just a quick note to say that I really am trying to get online as much as possible. There's simply too much to write and too many pictures to post to be able to fully cover everything in the time I have available.

Thanks for reading, though, and feel free to leave some comments. After the trip is over, I'll post more pictures from everything I write about, as well as hopefully get some people from other groups to write something about their experiences. For now, though, it's back to the hotel to get ready for the afternoon session.


Anonymous said...

Timo, tu piedras! That would translate, Tim, you rock! (from the verb, piedrar, to rock). Great job on today's multiple posts!
more later,
Dad & Mom

Anonymous said...

What a blessing you are. Thank you for all the work you do to allow us to follow with you and the gang. What you all are doing there makes a difference. Love to you all, especially Susan :-)
Gretchen Goulette

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for doing the blog this week. It is immensely appreciated. It is so great to be connected to you and the group and to see how you are serving God in such a wonderful way. The photos are fun to see. Tell Ben that next time he needs to rent a 4 wheel drive. Greet everyone and especially Amanda and Allison.
Carol & Steve

Anonymous said...


As always you are awesome. Thanks for all you are doing to keep the Salem world informed.
I am praying for you and all of the Salem group.
May you grow together, Grow toward your Lord and grow as servants of the King.

Sue Poston

Baldy said...

Mr T. Your blog is great. It is fun to see everyone in pic tures and to read about the day's events. I didn't know that Ben was into mudding. It must be the boy coming out in him. Those are the the things that create great memories. Good job Ben. I have been watching the weather down there, hot and humid and the possibility of rain every afternoon. I hope everyone is coping well with the temp and humidity. We are praying for the teams health, safety, and for God to touch your lives and the people of Valle Hermoso. Blessings to you. Mick. Hi to S and B. You look great on the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the updates! Each day I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing your stories. Especially the ones that make me laugh - Ben (and the gang) stuck in the mud, aggressive musical chairs,etc.!! It's been good to see Bjorn - say "Hola" to him for me. God Bless all of you!!
Sue Pederson

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim, what a delight to read this blog and see the photos of fun interaction. We especially enjoyed the pix of Susan and the young girl, Susan is our wonderful granddaughter. Way to go, Susie!!

Keep up the good work and we will pray for a safe return.

Gramma and Grampa Raddatz - West Des Moines, IA

Oaxacakid said...

Thanks for the compliments!
I enjoy blogging anyway, but it's great to hear that people enjoy reading it.

Thank you, too, for all of your prayers. They were much appreciated in helping the trip go as smoothly as it did.
