Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Weekly set of pictures

Well, since I didn't have a weekly set of pictures last week since I was out at the village, I'll put village pictures in this set. Also, I'm quite tired, so I can't write too much. My parents got in fine yesterday, and we're already starting to sort today. My room (I'm staying in the same room I lived in) is full of stuff that I have to decide whether to keep or get rid of. Imagine for a minute that you're going on a year long working vacation. Okay, now imagine that your working vacation isn't going to end with you returning to your previous place of residence. That's basically what happened to us, so now we have to go through everything that we owned down here. It's very tiring to put it nicely. I'm sorting through 13 or 14 years of memories and souvenirs from many different places. It's emotionally draining reliving those years, and hard to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. What we can't bring back on the airplane in suitcases, we have to ship. Shipping is expensive. Enough said.

What's the view from your church windows??? This is out the window in a small village called San Jose which was near the village I was in.
And what does the inside of your church look like? Probably not the same as this. (Sorry the picture isn't all that great.)
One of the little boys from that church. His name is Noah (I don't know how it's spelled in Spanish) and he's mute. But still very cute running around and smiling a huge smile at you!
I helped set up this tarp thing for a conference/day-camp for girls in the mountains near the village I was in.
The small market in the village I was in.
A fence along the road to the place where we set up the tarps in one of the previous pictures. Enlarge the picture to see the cattle on the left.
Another fence, this one almost right in town. On the left is a corn/bean field; they plant both together to save space. Also, the house I styae in was just up the street to the left.
The valley in which the biggest, most developoed part of the town was. Many people who are considered to be a part of the town live in the mountains surrounding it.
A man with his horse walking towards the town early in the morning.

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