Thursday, July 13, 2006

Best Pictures, Post #1

Over the next week or so I'll be posting around 50 of the pictures that I like best that I took in Oaxaca. Many/most will have already been posted on my blog, but there will be some new ones. Also, I will be putting together a cd of my best pictures (50-75 pictures). If anyone is interested in getting a copy I would be glad to send you one. Just send me an email and we can work something out.

The village of Huautla, near where I stayed in the mountains.

Entrega Bay, Huatulco, Mexico.

Chile peppers for sale; downtown Oaxaca.

A dog relaxing in the village in the mountains where I stayed.

A waterfall near the village in the mountains where I stayed.

The Zocalo before the teachers took it over.

A rug in progress in Teotitlan.

The local meat shop near where I stayed for my first seven weeks in Oaxaca.

The cathedral of Santo Domingo.

Inside a Mayordomo chocolate shop. The stuff on the left is warm, and you can mold it into almost any shape you want to.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Job, Tim! Have a fabulous week at CHIC!