keep waiting for some free time at a place with wifi, where I can
write out a longer update. It doesn't look like that's going to happen
soon, though.
Anyway, I wanted to give you a brief overview of our schedule for an
average day.
In the morning, we get up between 5am and 6am (4:45 tomorrow). After a
quick pre-breakfast, we head out on the train to wherever we'll be
handing out tracts (about the afternoon rallies) for the morning.
Usually that's near a school or train station. Once the flow of
students has died down, around when school starts at 8:30am, we take
the train to the rally location for the day. After we get there and
have breakfast, we get a rest time to catch up on sleep or just relax.
A time for devotions after that takes us to lunch.
Once we're back from lunch, we start preparing for the rally, which
usually has students starting to come at 4:30pm. The last students
usually leave at the end by 7:30pm or 8pm. Once the rally location is
all cleaned up, we have dinner and take the train back the place where
we're sleeping for the night. We almost always head to the sento
(public bath) before heading to bed, usually after 11pm.
The picture, which hopefully got posted fine, shows some of my team
members on the train in the morning.